Books & Projects

a tale of bromance and horror

The debut novel, following a pair of best friends as they road trip through the PNW, while a trail of bodies seemingly piles up in their wake...

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a paranormal, episodic series

Follow the paranormal adventures of synical, young con-artist with the uncanny ability to see ghosts all around him.

Season One Available Now!

Coming Soon!

a new novel is on the horizon...

What could it be!? A thrilling adventure filled with swords and sorcery? Or a galactic spanning adventure? You'll just have to wait and see...

About Me

The Drive Home Launch Party!

Yup, that's me, there on the left! About eight years ago, sixty pounds and a beard lighter. My journey as a writer began way back in the early days of high school and can be traced back to my father reading me countless books on the city bus ride home from school. But things really took off after a night of a few too many beers and about three or four bags of sauteed shrimp with the other guy in that picture (Dustin Taylor). We both had so many stories to tell and wanted to find a way to do just that, while working with other local authors, artists, and creative folks. This led to us forming an independent publishing company in Eugene, Oregon that would launch my debut novel, "The Drive Home, a tale of bromance and horror" and the hit episodic series "For a Ghost-Free Time, Call." Since those early days I continue to plug away at my keyboard working on the follow-ups to my published works, as well as new IPs--all of which I can't wait to bring to the world.

When not writing, I find solace in entertainment and creative endeavors. Books, television, and movies occupy a lot of my free time, alongside my age-old passion for video games. On the creative side of things, I enjoy digital photo composition with tools such as the Adobe suit and Canva, as well as computer programming, spanning from website design to software development.

Thank you for finding your way to my site and I hope you've enjoyed my works. There will be much more to come and I can't wait for you to see what's next!


Sean Kelly

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